I’ve missed you guys! ❤️The more I think about it, the more clear it becomes that relationships are one of the most important things in life. That’s why I am so thankful for the connection we have here. 😊 You’ve may have heard it said that we become like the closest 10 people we hang around. I love this because it’s both retrospective and introspective. 

We can look back over the the past few years and possibly correlated some success or areas we can grow with the company we keep. 🤔 But we can also look at our current situation and make adjustments now if needed. 

I have a love hate relationship with this saying because I feel like it leaves a lot of room for blame-shifting and I like to take responsibility for my actions, good or bad. I think that is how we grow🌳. Here is how I cope with that! If the saying is true, that means I have some responsibility to those I interact with! I can either be a positive influence or negative influence in someone’s life. 😃 let’s challenge ourselves this month to be a person that people want in their top 10. 🙌🏽 It takes intentionality, it takes work, but in the end I think we can change the world around us! Have an amazing week! ❤️